As the generation changes, workplace expectations change along. What baby boomers expected might be completely different from millennials expectations. So, should the workplace evolve with the generation? Of course, to cope up with the new generation, workplace needs to consider millennials expectations from their employers and change accordingly.
Here is what millennials expect from a company:
They expect business to care
When millennials join your workforce, they will surely expect the company to carry out their social responsibilities. They not only want businesses to provide jobs and improve the economy, but they also want their company to address some of the major concerns of the society such as income equality, scarcity of resources, and impact of climate changes.
They should be allowed to be innovative
Millennials want to be innovative and they do not want their employer to become a hindrance in their innovation. While searching for a job, millennials opt for a company that supports innovation. Still some young minds think that they are not given enough freedom to be creative due to rigid management attitude, lack of diversity, and formal procedures.
They want to lead
Almost 25% of millennials have stated that they need a chance to prove their leadership skills while most of the leading positions are acquired by Generation X employees and baby boomers. Millennials want to join an organization where young talents are provided the chance to lead from the front. They want their employers to recognize their potential and provide them a platform to generate future leaders.
They want a work-life balance
Among millennials expectations, work-life balance is a top concern. They don’t want to make work their life and require enough time for their friends and family. The last thing millennials would ever want is to sacrifice their social life and be a workaholic. Employers need to understand their requirement and take steps so that young employees can have some work-life balance.
They are prepared to go their own way
If businesses do not take these expectations seriously, they will probably lose a large number of young talents as many of them are ready to quit their jobs and be their own boss instead. Millennials dream to be on their own, instead of being employed by a giant company, at some point in time.
The post Millennials Expectations from their Employers appeared first on The HR Digest.